So apparently there are people out there who eat things other than cupcakes. Crazy thought, I know. So for those folks, here's a delectable choice for homemade caramels. Now, you're probably thinking, "But making homemade candy takes forever, my hands get all sticky, I have to stir constantly, and it's way too hot." Yeah, I'm not going to deny any of that. It's all true. BUT, for me at least the payoff of homemade candy is so worth it. And the rest of your family, friends, neighbors, and strangers that you give candy to will love you forever. Guaranteed.
A digital read thermometer. Handy-Dandy! | |
DISCLAIMER: Do not attempt this recipe unless you have about 1-1 1/2 hours of time where you need to do nothing else (and I really mean
nothing else but stand at the stove. True story). Also, please go get a digital read thermometer if you don't already have one. Pretty please. It makes this so much easier and practically guarantees perfect candy.
Ok, so you've made it this far. You apparently have nothing better to do today (hey! Me either! Let's hang out after you're done with your candy!) Before you start, get together the hardware.
1 large pot or a 3 qt. pot. (I have no idea how big mine is, all I know is I use it to make lots of pasta. Mmmm....pasta)
1 digital read thermometer WITH a programmable alarm
1 wooden spoon
1 8x8 or 9x9 (depends on how thick you want your candy) square pan
Aluminum foil
Non-stick spray
Non-stick spatula
Optional: Holiday music
Now, for the ingredients:
1 C butter, unsalted
2 1/4 C packed solid brown sugar
2 C heavy cream (None of this pansy half and half stuff)
1 C light corn syrup
2 t vanilla extract
Great! Now that you have everything together, prepare your square pan to receive the delicious molten caramel mixture. Trust me, do this ahead of time. To do this, flip your pan upside down. Really, do it. Unroll enough foil to go from edge to edge. Mold the foil around the pan. Lift the foil off, flip the pan right side up and place the foil inside. Voila! Easy foil lining! Lightly spray the foil with the non-stick spray.
All ingredients in, bringing it to a boil |
Now that your pan is ready, and you don't have to go anywhere for about 45-60 minutes, turn the stove on low and melt the butter completely. Add the brown sugar, cream, and light corn syrup. Do not add the vanilla yet! Turn the heat up to medium-ish and bring the mixture to a boil while stirring constantly.
Boiling hot molten caramel |
Once the mixture boils (it should look frothy), turn on your thermometer and bring the temperature up to about 245 degrees. (The final temp will be 248 degrees, but NO HIGHER!) Please stir constantly. Nobody likes crystally burnt caramel. While stirring you may sing and dance to the optional holiday music. Once the temp reaches 245, keep an eye on the temperature as it will jump to 248 in an instant.
Let it set for 2 hours! |
When it does reach 248, take it off the heat and stir in the vanilla. After the vanilla is stirred in pour the boiling hot delicious-ness into your already prepared pan. Wasn't that a good idea to do that ahead of time?
Here comes the hard part: let it sit for about 2 hours. That means don't cut into it. Don't let the kids cut into it. Or the hubby. Or the cats. You get the idea. Once it has solidified, use the foil hanging over the edges to lift the candy out of the pan. And since you sprayed the foil first (you did, right?) the foil should peel right off of the candy. Using a really sharp knife (or a semi-sharp knife sprayed with non-stick spray) cut the caramels into strips, then into bite sized pieces. Toss into a air tight container as is, or wrap in small pieces of wax paper and hand out to small children (preferably ones you know).